Dynamic Penetrometer DPL, DPM, DPH and DPSH (SPT)
For light, medium and heavy probing, following the guidelines of DIN 4094 or EN standards
For light, medium, heavy and super heavy (also SPT) probing, following the guidelines of DIN 4094 and EN standards
Fully hydraulic dynamic probe penetrometer DPL, DPM and DPH with all terrain caterpillar tracks
Acc to EN 22476-2
Fully hydraulic dynamic probing rig acc to EN 22476-2 with percussion hammer and 18 ton hydraulic jack system.
The penetrometer is mounted on all terrain caterpillar tracks.
The multifunctiona drilling rig with dynamic probing device acc to EN 22476-2
- dynamic probing DPL, DPM, DPH, DPSH
- percussion window sampling
- core drilling
- sampling with inner liner
- drilling with flight augers
Automatic evaluation unit is used to obtain immediate, correct results of dynamic probing while using any mechanical penetrometer
Acc to EN 22476-2